This article will walk you through using a Panopto Video Quiz inside of Brightspace. This will allow you to automatically import the quiz grade from Panopto and use the quiz grade with things like Release Conditions.


Note for Brightspace Administrators: You must be logged in with your KVCC account to access Panopto.

Note for Brightspace Administrators: You must be logged in with your KVCC account to access Panopto.

Accessing Panopto

If this is your first time accessing Panopto, follow these steps to gain access:

  1. Navigate to the course you’d like to add the video quiz to in Brightspace

  2. Create a new module that is hidden from students (or use an existing hidden module if available)

  3. Add a Panopto Video topic by clicking on Existing Activities then selecting External Learning Tools (do not select Panopto Quiz from the Existing Activities)

  4. Select Panopto Videos from the dialog box

  5. Click on the new Panopto Videos topic that was created, you should be brought to Panopto where you can record, upload, and edit videos.

Video Walkthrough


Editing the Video in Panopto

  1. Upload or record the video you’d like to add the quiz to, if it isn’t already in Panopto

  2. Click on the video name to access the video details page

  3. Click on the edit button (the movie clapper with a pen icon) in the top-right of the page to begin editing the video

    1. image-20240127-165346.png

  4. In this interface you can make various edits to the video, cutting and trimming, adding captions, quizzes etc.

Video Walkthrough

Edit Screen

Creating the Quiz

  1. Make sure the video is at the time you want the quiz to be presented at

  2. On the left side of the screen, click on the Quizzes tab

  3. At the top of the list, select Add a Quiz

  4. Name the quiz if desired by clicking on Quiz at the top of the interface

  5. Provide the first question in the Question text box

  6. Select the question type in the drop-down box next to the Question text box

    1. Question types are: multiple choice, multiple select, true/false, and fill in the blank.

  7. Provide the question’s answer(s) in the provided boxes

  8. If you’d like to add more questions to the quiz at this point in the video, select Add a Question, then repeat these steps from Step 5, otherwise select Done.

  9. If you’d like to add another quiz later in the video, move the video to the time you want the next quiz to be and repeat these steps from Step 1.

  10. Once you’ve added the quiz(zes) and are satisfied with the results, click on the Apply button at the top of the page

    1. image-20240127-170506.png

Video Walkthrough


Adding the Video Quiz to Brightspace

  1. Navigate to the module where you’d like the video quiz to be located

  2. Click on the Existing Activities drop-down, then select Panopto Quiz

    1. image-20240124-163249.png

  3. Select the video you created in earlier and configure the settings as desired

    1. image-20240124-163341.png

  4. Click Insert

  5. Open the newly created topic to edit it

  6. Click on Add a grade item… located at the bottom of the page under Activity Details → Assessment

  7. Click on the grey plus (+) button

  8. Configure the grade item as desired, setting a name, points, and category for the item as needed

  9. Click the blue Create button

  10. Click the blue Save button

    1. You should get 2 notifications at the bottom of the screen: one saying the grade item was successfully created, the second saying the grade item was successfully assigned to the video quiz

Video Walkthrough

Associate Grade

Using Release Conditions With the Video Quiz

You may wish to use release conditions to hide another topic until the learner has watched the entire video or completed the quiz.


There does not seem to be a way to ensure 100% watch time with Panopto, the best I have found so far is to add a quiz around 5 seconds before the video ends. Students will still be able to skip forward in the video until each quiz though.

I recommend a 5 second gap before the end of the video as sometimes Panopto’s edit page reports video runtime that doesn’t match the actual video.

For example Panopto said a video is 4 minutes and 22 seconds long on the edit page, but when viewed by a student it was only 4 minutes and 19 seconds long, so a quiz placed at 4 minutes and 21 seconds wasn’t accessible to the student.

There does not seem to be a way to ensure 100% watch time with Panopto, the best I have found so far is to add a quiz around 5 seconds before the video ends. Students will still be able to skip forward in the video until each quiz though.

I recommend a 5 second gap before the end of the video as sometimes Panopto’s edit page reports video runtime that doesn’t match the actual video.

For example Panopto said a video is 4 minutes and 22 seconds long on the edit page, but when viewed by a student it was only 4 minutes and 19 seconds long, so a quiz placed at 4 minutes and 21 seconds wasn’t accessible to the student.

  1. Select the topic to be hidden until the quiz is completed (or edit its properties in place)

  2. Click on Add dates and restrictions…

  3. Click on Create, under Release Conditions

    1. image-20240124-164121.png

  4. Select Grade value on a grade item under Condition Type

  5. Select the quiz under Grade Item

  6. Set the grade criteria in the appropriate boxes

  7. Click the blue Create button

    1. image-20240124-164244.png

  8. Click the blue Update button

    1. image-20240124-164319.png

  9. Done! Now when a student submits the quiz in Panopto, their grade will be imported to Brightspace in the grade item you selected, and if that grade meets your criteria they will unlock access to the topic with release conditions set.