Instructional Design Videos
Grading and Assessments
Complete Introductory Gradebook Training for Beginner/Intermediate Brightspace Users
It is KVCC's policy that all courses include a syllabus in the Brightspace shell and make use of the Gradebook to provide ongoing feedback to students throughout the semester. This training is required, but can be provided 1:1 with an instructional designer or by way of this video.
Dropping Non-Attempts vs. Treating Ungraded Items as Zero
Accurately Measuring Learning Outcomes and Mapping Assessments to Learning Goals
In this session, we review Assessment Strategies--specifically, we talk about the critical juncture between setting learning outcomes that are clearly measurable/quantifiable and then ensuring our assessments are ultimately measuring those very same outcomes.
At the end of the session, we cover the Brightspace feature known as Gradebook Mastery view in which faculty can:
Set up learning outcomes at the class level
Align learning outcomes to individual assessments and individual quiz questions++
Assess learning outcomes as "got it" or "not yet" for each assessment for each student
Activate the Brightspace Gradebook Mastery View
View the overall learning outcome mastery for the course and individual student
Course Design
This is a quick video explaining how faculty can take advantage of our new LibGuides LTI. This allows you to embed specific LibGuides directly into your course site. You can also use this tool to embed our library databases directly into your course materials to point students to specific research components, specific articles, or any array of databases you might like them to use for your class.
Universal Design and ADA Compliance for your Courses
This video discusses key design features and supporting tools for accessible design and engagement strategies. We reviewed three keys to ADA compliance and design, relating to Powerpoint slides, PDF's, and web pages (like Brightspace course pages). We reviewed several accessibility checkers, including WebAIM, WAVE, PAVE, Powerpoint accessibility checker, and Brightspace accessibility checker. We ended by looking at Brightspace templates and a few features to liven up our course page designs to reach a broader student audience.
Fall 2023 Instructional Design Workshop Schedule
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