How do I copy courses?

How do I copy courses?

This article will walk you through the process of copying all or part of a course to or from another course. Please follow these instructions closely the prevent accidental data loss or corruption. For personal assistance copying courses, please contact BOLTS at bolts@kvcc.me.edu.

  1. Navigate to the course you’d like to copy to

  2. Select Course Admin from the NavBar

  3. Click on Import / Export / Copy Components, under Site Resources

  4. Select Copy Components from another Org Unit

  5. Click on Search for offering

  6. Search for the course you’d like to copy from

Important: Make sure the semester code and section code are correct before copying to ensure you don’t copy the wrong semester, or another instructor’s content.

  1. Select the radio button next to the course you’re copying from

  2. Click the blue Add Selected button at the bottom of the page

  3. Click on the blue Copy All Components button at the bottom of the page, or continue to the Copying Some Components section to select which components to copy.

Copying Some Components

  1. Select the grey Select Components button at the bottom of the page

  2. Check the box next to any content types that you’d like copied (for example you may want to copy content and quizzes, but not discussion and assignments)

  3. Under each content type checked, select if you’d like to copy all of the items in that type, or just individual items

  4. Click the blue Continue button at the bottom of the page

  5. Check the box next to each item you’d like to have copied (this only applies if you chose to select individual items for one or more content types in step 12). You may need to use the + buttons next to the checkboxes to expand the listing.

  6. Click the blue Continue button at the bottom of the page

  7. Repeat steps 12-15 for each content type selected in step 11

  8. Set date offsets if desired, otherwise dates can be managed manually later

  9. Click the blue Finish button at the bottom of the page


  1. Wait for the copy to complete, while the content is copying a progress bar will be visible

Progress bar
  1. Once the copy is completed the page will update to show a checkmark and the time that the copy completed

A completed copy indicator
  1. Click on one of the buttons at the bottom of the page:

  2. Copy Another Package - Use this button if you need to import content from multiple courses

  3. View Content - Use this button to be brought to the course to check that the content copied properly

  4. Review and Manage Dates - Use this button to go straight to setting up start/end dates and due dates on the content

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