Brightspace how to archive announcements


Archive Within a Course (Short Term)

  1. Navigate to the Course:

    • Go to the course where you want to start archiving announcements.

  2. Access Announcements:

    • Click the drop-down arrow next to Home on the navbar.

    • Select Announcements.

  3. Find the Announcement:

    • Locate the announcement you want to archive.

    • Click the drop-down arrow next to it.

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  4. Copy the Announcement:

    • Select the Copy option.

  5. Rename the Headline:

    • To differentiate from active announcements, rename the Headline.

      • Example: Change “Welcome to Week 14!” to “(Archive) Welcome to Week 14!” or “(Archive Ver.4) Welcome to Week 14!” for multiple versions.

  6. Save as Draft:

    • Once renamed, select Save as Draft. This will:

      • Copy the announcement as a draft.

      • Stamp the Start date field with the time of the draft’s creation.

      • Sets the Status field of the announcement to Draft.

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Archive/Backup Outside of a Course (Long Term)

  1. Navigate to Course Admin:

    • Go to your course home page.

    • Click on Course Admin in the navbar.

  2. Import/Export/Copy Components:

    • Select Import/Export/Copy Components.

  3. Export Components:

    • Choose Export as Brightspace Package.

    • In the Select Components to Export section, check the box for Announcements.

    • Select Select Individual items to export.

    • Review the list of all announcements and select the ones you want to export, or use the Select All option to export all announcements.

    • Click Continue.

    • Click Export (this process may take some time depending on the size of the export).

    • Click the Notification/Bell icon

    • Click on the notification labeled Export Finished.

    • On the Export Summary page, click the link Click here to download the export Zip package.