Widget Connector |
overlay | youtube |
_template | com/atlassian/confluence/extra/widgetconnector/templates/youtube.vm |
width | 400px |
url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfebPTVlTQg&feature=youtu.be |
height | 300px |
Universal Design and ADA Compliance for your Courses
This video discusses key design features and supporting tools for accessible design and engagement strategies. We reviewed three keys to ADA compliance and design, relating to Powerpoint slides, PDF's, and web pages (like Brightspace course pages). We reviewed several accessibility checkers, including WebAIM, WAVE, PAVE, Powerpoint accessibility checker, and Brightspace accessibility checker. We ended by looking at Brightspace templates and a few features to liven up our course page designs to reach a broader student audience.
Widget Connector |
overlay | youtube |
_template | com/atlassian/confluence/extra/widgetconnector/templates/youtube.vm |
width | 400px |
url | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtoxX3gB91g |
height | 300px |