Instructor Brightspace Knowledge Base
Welcome to the BOLTS Faculty and Instructor Brightspace knowledge base. You can find articles to help you administer your Brightspace courses as well as articles from the Instructional Design team to help you ensure your classes are effective.
Empowering Educators, Enhancing Experiences: BoLTS is dedicated to providing a comprehensive resource hub for instructors here at Kennebec Valley Community College. Discover articles to streamline your Brightspace course administration and benefit from insights curated by our Instructional Design team to elevate the effectiveness of your classes.
We are committed to continuous improvement; your feedback at helps us shape a more accessible and impactful learning environment.
What is an Instructional Designer?
An instructional designer is an expert in the area of teaching and learning across all modalities (in-person, online, hybrid, high-flex, etc.). At KVCC, that means helping you, as a faculty member or adjunct instructor, highlight your expertise, develop learning experiences, and engage your learners in whatever modality you are teaching. It also means helping you shape your Brightspace to maximize its potential to support your teaching and support your learners as they develop the skills of your discipline.
Register for one or all of our great Professional Development Workshops here. Workshops are offered during the common hour (12:30-1:30PM).
Have you attended one of our sessions? Would you like to give us feedback about it? Fill out our Session Exit Ticket here.
Contact Support
For help with Brightspace, contact KVCC’s BoLTS Team:
Call BoLTS Live at (207) 453-5827
Visit BoLTS in-person in the Lunder Student Success Center Room 117 on the Fairfield Campus.
BoLTS is generally available 8AM to 4PM Monday through Saturday, though response times may vary based on team member availability. If you are unable to reach BoLTS and need help right away, please contact IT Support.
For other technical support, contact KVCC’s IT Support:
Call IT at (207) 453-5079
Visit IT in-person in King Hall Room 108 on the Fairfield Campus; or Averill Hall Room 215 on the Alfond Campus.
The IT Department is available 8AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday.
Official Brightspace Documentation ( )
Support Resources and Guides 📚
🍎 Instructor Resources and Guides
📚 Student Resources and Guides
Still not able to figure it out? Reach out to us below.
🛠️ Submit a Ticket using the Brightspace Online Technical Support (BoLTS) portal
📧 Submit a ticket through email using
📞 Call us directly at 207-453-5827