Archive Within a Course (Short Term)
Navigate to the Course:
Go to the course where you want to start archiving announcements.
Access Announcements:
Click the drop-down arrow next to Home on the navbar.
Select Announcements.
Find the Announcement:
Locate the announcement you want to archive.
Click the drop-down arrow next to it.
Copy the Announcement:
Select the Copy option.
Rename the Headline:
To differentiate from active announcements, rename the Headline.
Example: Change “Welcome to Week 14!” to “(Archive) Welcome to Week 14!” or “(Archive Ver.4) Welcome to Week 14!” for multiple versions.
Save as Draft:
Once renamed, select Save as Draft. This will:
Copy the announcement as a draft.
Stamp the Start date field with the time of the draft’s creation.
Sets the Status field of the announcement to Draft. ![[Pasted image 20240927101516.png|800]]
Archive/Backup Outside of a Course (Long Term)