Archive Within a Course (Short Term)
Navigate to the Course:
Go to the course where you want to start archiving announcements.
Access Announcements:
Click the drop-down arrow next to Home on the navbar.
Select Announcements.
Find the Announcement:
Locate the announcement you want to archive.
Click the drop-down arrow next to it.
Copy the Announcement:
Select the Copy option.
Rename the Headline:
To differentiate from active announcements, rename the Headline.
Example: Change “Welcome to Week 14!” to “(Archive) Welcome to Week 14!” or “(Archive Ver.4) Welcome to Week 14!” for multiple versions.
Save as Draft:
Once renamed, select Save as Draft. This will:
Copy the announcement as a draft.
Stamp the Start date field with the time of the draft’s creation.
Sets the Status field of the announcement to Draft. ![[Pasted image 20240927101516.png|800]]
Archive/Backup Outside of a Course (Long Term)
Navigate to Course Admin:
Go to your course home page.
Click on Course Admin in the navbar.
Import/Export/Copy Components:
Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
Export Components:
Choose Export as Brightspace Package.
In the Select Components to Export section, check the box for Announcements.
Select Select Individual items to export.
Review the list of all announcements and select the ones you want to export, or use the Select All option to export all announcements.
Click Continue.
Click Export (this process may take some time depending on the size of the export).
Click the Notification/Bell icon
Click on the notification labeled Export Finished.
On the Export Summary page, click the link Click here to download the export Zip package.