Student Accommodations in Brightspace
Students with approved accommodations often require changes be made in the course. This article will walk you through some of these accommodations in Brightspace.
Extra Time on All Quizzes
To grant a student a fixed amount of time (or multiplier) extra on all quizzes, follow these steps:
Open the Classlist of the course
Scroll to the student with accommodations
Click the arrow next to the student’s name, then select Edit Accommodations
Check the Modify Time Limit box
Select either Multiplier of original quiz time (e.g. 1.5x or 2x time) or Extra time (e.g. 30 or 60 minutes extra)
Click the blue Save button
You will now see a new icon in the classlist next to the accommodated student’s name:
Extra Time on ONE Quiz
If a student only needs accommodations on one or two quizzes, you can make this change individually:
Navigate to the Edit Quiz screen of the applicable quiz
Click on Manage Special Access in the Availability Dates & Conditions pane on the right:
Click on Add Users to Special Access
Check the Override time limit box and provide a new time limit (or no time limit). Note that you can enter a number in any box and the others will automatically calculate (eg. changing 1 to 2 for Multiplier automatically filled the other two boxes as seen below
Scroll down and check the boxes next to each student this accommodation should apply to
Click the blue Save button at the bottom of the screen
Click Save and Close
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