Using Learning Outcomes in Brightspace
Learning outcomes are an essential component of any educational program, as they help define the skills and knowledge students are expected to acquire. Brightspace offers tools for creating, tracking, and assessing learning outcomes to ensure that your courses are aligned with your educational goals. This article will guide you through the process of using learning outcomes in Brightspace.
Defining Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are clear, specific statements that describe what students should know or be able to do after completing a course.
They should be measurable, achievable, and directly related to course content and objectives.
Creating Learning Outcomes
Log in to your Brightspace course
Navigate to Course Admin
Select Learning Outcomes under the Assessment section
Click on Add Outcome and provide a description
Click on Save
Adding Learning Outcomes to an Assignment
Edit the assignment you’d like to add the Learning Outcome to
Click on Outcomes under the assignment name field
Click the checkbox next to all learning outcomes you’d like added
Click Save
Save and Close the assignment
Modifying or Deleting Learning Outcomes:
Navigate to Course Admin
Select Learning Outcomes under the Assessment section
Click on the 3-dots to the right of the Learning Outcome you’d like to edit or delete
Select Edit or Delete
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