Completing End of Semester Course Evaluations
At Kennebec Valley Community College, student voices hold great value in shaping the learning experience. Engaging in the online course evaluation survey provides a pivotal opportunity for students to anonymously offer feedback on their instructors. These evaluations serve as a crucial avenue for continual improvement, ensuring the college maintains its commitment to delivering quality education. Understanding the significance of this process and how to effectively navigate it is key for students to contribute constructively to their academic environment.
Here’s how to complete the evaluations:
Open Brightspace by navigating to and signing in with your KVCC email address and password
Your email address is usually
and your password is your student ID number, unless you’ve changed it. For help signing into Brightspace, contact IT Support: Accessing Support
Click on Course Evaluations in the Navigation Bar
Click on the Take Now button next to the class(es) you’d like to complete the survey for
Answer each question, providing written feedback if desired
Click on Save and Continue to move to the next page when required
Click on Submit Survey once you’re done
If you’d like to complete more evaluations, click on the Anthology Course Evaluations logo in the top-left of the page to return to your list of available surveys
Video Walkthrough
Here is a video walkthrough for the course evaluation process: Course Evaluation Guide - Kennebec Valley Community College 2023
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